Widget Construction Set

Widget Construction Set is available for iOS devices on the App Store.

Launch URLs

Widget Construction Set supports a URL scheme of widget://.

You can programmatically add a widget by launching widget://add_widget?url=....

If you want to go meta, you could make a large widget that showed widget previews inside it. Tapping the image of a wiget preview could use link_url with the url of widget://add_widget?url=....

If you want to link to private widgets with the credentials embedded in the add link, you can pass extra query parameters of user and password. For example widget://add_widget?url=...&user=...&password=....

Widget Fetch Interval

Widget Construction Set fetches widgets around every 15 minutes. It isn't meant to be real-time, but should stay relatively up-to-date.

Privacy Policy

Widget Construction Set does not collect personally identifiable data. Widget Construction Set does not collect telemetry or other usage data. All data is stored on your device.

Open Source App

The Widget Construction Set app is open source and available on GitHub.